Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
Led Zeppelineの名曲です。「アアア〜」から始まるロバート・プラントの歌は摩訶不思議というか奇妙な世界をつくり出しています。

Ah, ....ah....
Come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun
Where the hot spring flow
Coming of the cold
Drive out ships to new lands
Fighting the haul, sighing and crying
I am coming

Always seeking, pushing on
I wanna go where there's a rest and show

Ah, ....ah....

I come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun
Where the hot spring flow
Sometimes feel so green
Whisper tales of storms
Howling come the tides of warm
We are your overload

Always seeking, pushing on
I wanna go where there's rest and show
So now you better stop
Reap in all your ruin
Peace and just get with it
Disband all you're losing

レッド・ツェッペリン/ベスト・オブ・レッド・ツェッペリン〜リマスターズ <--ここで買えます。
update:2003年 10月 23日 (木)
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